If your once-beautiful lawn is starting to show brown spots, it may be due to an issue with your irrigation system. When was the last time you had it checked out? Did you have a system installed and then forget about it? If so, you could be wasting money and water each month by not properly maintaining your irrigation system. DeFazio Company is here to help! Below are a few reasons why it’s important to schedule regular maintenance for your Cleveland home’s sprinkler system.

Damaged Sprinkler Heads
Numerous things can cause damage to your sprinkler heads, including mowing your lawn or kids playing outside. With regular sprinkler system maintenance, you will safeguard your investment by ensuring that your sprinkler heads are repaired, replaced, or upgraded as needed.Changes in Your Landscape
Your landscape naturally changes over time, either by natural growth or additional landscape features you might add to your property. With regular maintenance, you can stay on top of those changes, by scheduling the irrigation based on the needs of your lawn or landscaped area, and the season. Our experts will inspect everything from the controller wiring to the valves, thus guaranteeing proper response of the system. You could also consider added a rain sensor to your system to ensure your system isn’t watering your lawn at the same time Mother Nature is.Trust DeFazio Company
As a homeowner, you perform routine maintenance on your car, your heating and air conditioning system, your lawn mower, and many other items in your home. Sprinkler maintenance is often overlooked, but it should be just as important to you because it affects your landscaping as well as your finances. To schedule a maintenance appointment for your irrigation system or to install a new system, contact the irrigation professionals at DeFazio Company at (440) 652-6545 or request an estimate online.